Maren Petersen Beratungskontor GmbH Hamburg - smarte Lösungen für den Personalbereich


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Maren Petersen Beratungskontor GmbH
Kegelhofstrasse 34
20251 Hamburg

Telefon: +49 (0) 40 1810 7372 
Mobil: +49  (0) 172 38 43 615

General Manager: Maren Petersen

Commercial Register / Reg. No.:

Commercial Register Hamburg, HRB 125 841

VAT Identification No.:

DE 288 185 686


All content of our website are copyrighted. This copyrighted content may only be used without expressive permission in written by Maren Petersen Beratungskontor GmbH for private and not for public or commercial reasons. It applies especially to reproductions, changes, translations, downloads and other processing in electronic systems.

Data Privacy

Personal data which incur while visiting this website (especially IP addresses) will only be saved in case of server errors in order to track errors and this only in the technically necessary reasonable amount.

The contact data keyed in the contact form reaches Maren Petersen Beratungskontor GmbH in form of an e-mail. The data collected will under no circumstances be sold or given to third parties.


Our pages may contain links to external websites of third parties. We do not have any influence on these websites contents; the responsibility for the content of the linked websites fells solely on the corresponding operators. No unlawful content was recognizable at the point in time of the linkage. MPBK will remove immediately suchlike link should any infringement emerge.

Image source

Marco2811, kameraauge, contrastwerkstatt, Sergey Nivens, Kurhan |